One Legged Yoga Poses

one legged yoga poses
Here are 10 fun one legged yoga poses to try at home!

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Some of the most popular one legged yoga poses that immediately spring to the mind are Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana), Standing Hand to Big Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana), and Tree Pose (Vrksasana). These are the most well-liked standing yoga positions that test your balance as well as your hip stability and leg strength. This category mostly consists of standing poses where the body balances on one leg and the spine is twisted, backbent, or forward bent.

Apart from the obvious anatomical advantages of building strength and stability in the targeted muscles and joints, these postures also have the intriguing quality of being asymmetrical. This indicates a greater degree of activity on one side of the body than the other. Thus, practicing these positions creates equilibrium on both sides of the body.

Additionally, it uses breathing as assistance to activate the brain. Furthermore, because the body and the mind are intertwined, a stiff or unstable side of the body instantly affects the mind, making it difficult to concentrate during practice. 

Thus, the major goals of One Legged Yoga Poses should be to consciously signal the body to stay quiet and to place the mind in a condition of peace. Additionally, they aid in navigating life’s numerous uncertainties. Therefore, the purpose of practicing these One Legged Yoga Poses is to help achieve mastery over the mind and body and build a perfect sync with breath+body+mind, aside from the primary focus on balance and endurance!

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Advantages of One Legged Yoga Poses 

  • Doing yone legged yoga poses increases stability and balance as well as proprioception, the feeling of where your body is in space.
  • Your leg muscles, particularly your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves, which support and enhance total lower body strength, must be used when balancing on one leg.
  • Your abs, obliques, and lower back muscles are put to the test while you balance on one leg, which helps to develop a strong and stable core.
  • One legged yoga poses demands focus and concentration, which can enhance your capacity for mental clarity and staying in the present now.
  • Your hips, hamstrings, and spine may all become more flexible by doing yoga poses on one leg.
  • The difficulty of maintaining balance on one leg might boost vitality and lower stress levels by encouraging awareness and relaxation.

One Legged Yoga Poses

1. Mountain Pose with One Leg (Eka Pada Tadasana)

Similar to beginning to skate for the first time, we must build and practise the basis first.

In a safe setting, you may strengthen your standing foot, ankle, leg, and hip by practicing one-legged mountain pose. You can also gain awareness of your balance at all times.

2. Virabhadrasana III, or Warrior III.

Warrior III is a fantastic one-leg yoga posture that helps improve your strength, stability, and focus. This balancing position can serve as your peak stance for the warrior poses as it’s the only one of the three that requires one leg to stand on.

3. Pose of the Dancer (Natarajasana)

Dancer’s pose is a backbend that combines balancing on one foot with a yoga position. It may be performed with a belt to facilitate better access to the free foot.

4. Bending Tree (Vrkshasana)

Tree position is a famous yoga stance that helps novice figure skaters learn to discover the axis of their spins and leaps. It involves balance, stability, and hip flexibility.

5. Figure Four Standing

You may improve your overall hip mobility by stretching and opening your hips using the standing figure four yoga position.

Those who work in offices or who sit for extended periods of time may find that this helps ease their hip pain and stiffness.

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6. Ardha Chandrasana, or half-moon pose

The figure skating spiral and half moon position are comparable in that they both call for flexibility, strength, and balance.

Both half moon pose and skater spiral preserve the spine arched and the chest pointing downward, but they also need the engagement of the core muscles to maintain balance and extension.

7. One Legged Eight Limbed Pose (Eka Pada Ashtangasana) 

An advanced form of Eight Limbed Pose (Ashtangasana) is called One Legged Eight Limbed Pose (Eka Pada Ashtangasana). Here, the body is balanced on the chin, palms, chest, knee, and foot while one leg is raised as high as feasible. 

Throughout the activity, the core is aggressively used and the elbows are kept tight to the chest. This lovely prone pose strengthens the knees, biceps-triceps, shoulders, upper back, and core while enhancing energy levels.

8. One Legged Bridge

Start extending one leg out in front of you from bridge posture without lowering your hips. Raise the outstretched leg as high as you can, with the toes pointed upward.

Advantages consist of stretches the muscles in the back, neck, and rib cage. It makes the glutes tighter. bolsters the thighs, knees, and legs.

9. Bird Of Paradise

One of my favourite standing yoga positions is Bird of Paradise, however it demands open shoulders and hips, therefore do some preparatory postures first, such figure 4, tree, and dancer’s pose. You can use a strap to help you get into the ideal posture because this is a tough pose.

10. Standing Splits (Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana)

The standing split combines a deep forward fold with a hip-opening and balanced standing pose. Though it is similar to the grounded variation of Hanumanasana, a Standing Split requires greater muscular activation and less assistance from gravity. It requires more focus and the ideal balance of strength and flexibility than just slinging your leg up into the air.


So, I hope you liked the one legged yoga poses mentioned above. It is very important to do your warm-up  first and then proceed to these poses as they require warming up of the body. 

It’s common to find these balance poses challenging if you haven’t done many of them previously. Try practicing standing on one leg balancing against a wall if you have trouble maintaining your balance even for a few breaths. In this manner, you can begin using very little fingertip pressure in close proximity to the wall. Then you may simply lightly touch the wall if you start to waver in your balance and feel like you’re going to fall out. gradually stepping back from the wall and attempting to maintain equilibrium without it.

Or you can even try some Yoga blocks. 

Picture of Mekhala


Mekhala, a law student and avid reader, has a deep passion for spirituality and meditation. She finds solace in these practices, using them to cultivate inner peace and mindfulness each day. Nature, yoga, and varied spiritual pursuits captivate her outside her studies and writing. Mekhala's devotion to mindfulness enriches her blogs with inspiration and insight.

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