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Blue Sage vs White Sage | Which is the Best?

Blue Sage is used for abundance rituals, money spells, and prosperity affirmations whereas White Sage is used for cleansing the atmosphere and healing diseases like the flu.

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Sage comes in two varieties—white and blue—and each has significant advantages over the other.

The most prevalent type of sage in nature is white, and due to its absence of toxins, one of its biggest health benefits is its ability to improve memory. One of the main advantages of sage use is its capacity to enhance focus.

Sage can aid with memory loss by enhancing your recall of previously learnt material, which will boost your self-assurance in those areas. 

Sage can be disliked by certain people.

They claim that it is unfair and that it will make you more understanding of other people. This is particularly valid if you’re involved in a relationship.

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One ingredient you should avoid using if something seems odd is sage. While it won’t solve all your problems, it will make you slightly more selective about the sort of individuals you interact with. 

About Blue Sage

The application of blue sage helps us to bring wealth, prosperity, and health into our life. It smells lightly flowery.

Because it is thought to draw success and wealth, blue sage is frequently used in abundance rituals, money spells, and prosperity affirmations. Blue sage works well for rituals of purifying and divine cleansing.

Compared to white sage, it is gentler and has a flowery, grassy scent. This sage is ideal if you find white sage to be a little too overbearing.

About White Sage

Among the most popular therapeutic herbs in the field of alternative medicine is white sage. It is a member of the Lamiaceae family, and because of its numerous benefits, it has long been revered as holy in many civilizations.

It mostly grows in Mexico and California’s southwest region of the United States. Thanks to its holiness, white sage has been utilized for centuries by societies like the Native Americans to cleanse the atmosphere and heal diseases like the flu.

Additionally, it is a typical seasoning used in cooking. Its use has propagated to other cultures and civilizations because it is so advantageous. Presently, this plant is utilised globally.

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Blue sage vs White sage

Blue Sage is the antithesis of white sage. People appear to be affected in the same ways by it. It is employed to aid in the retention of lessons learnt when we were small. Early on in the process of acquiring new abilities, this occurs.

You will be able to recall it better if you learn it and then discover that you were lying to yourself about it. If you find typical White Sage a little too strong, you might enjoy Blue Sage more. It is more pungent than White Sage.

Many people prefer blue sage’s softer, “cooler” fragrance to white sage because they believe it to be less overbearing in terms of fragrance.

In remembrance of Native American and Indigenous nations, who regard white sage as sacred, many people also favour blue sage as a substitute for white sage. Because of this, it’s crucial to ensure that smudging, or burning sage, is done respectfully and reverently, especially as the practice gains in popularity. When compared to white sage, blue sage is almost identical. We strongly advise trying both to determine which one you prefer!

Want to know more about Blue Sage? Read: Blue Sage Spiritual Benefits

Best picks (products)

1. Goodfellow and CO No. 01 Blue Sage and Tonka Texturizing Fibre

You may easily obtain the hairdo you love using Goodfellow & Co.’s No. 01 Blue Sage and Tonka Texturizing Fiber. To keep your hair smelling amazing, it even has a slightly manly Blue Sage and Tonka perfume with zingy lime, silky sage, and hints of warm Tonka, amber, and woods.

Buy it here

2. Blue Sage essential Oil by Eternal Essence 

The cosmetic-grade Eternal Essence Oils are ideal for giving soaps, creams, and other products a uniquely fragrant touch. Everyone adores this essential oil, and we wholeheartedly recommend it to our readers!

Go buy it here.

3. ALL NATURALS Sage Essential 

This Sage essential oil is native to the Kashmir region and has been revered for centuries for its perfume that spreads good energy. When dispersed, Cleansing & Purifying will transform the atmosphere, eradicating all bad energy, reviving the area, and warding against germs and illness. It is also believed to promote smoother breathing to inhale a drop of this oil from a handkerchief.

Buy it here.

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Brahmas Incense

Our sticks are made using 100% natural substances. We have zero-tolerance & do not support the use of chemicals, fragrance enhancers or artificial colours. We do not use Charcoal as a burning agent. We use ethically sourced organic wood powder to aid the burning process. This is 100% eco-friendly and does not give out any black smoke. 

We are soon launching our own Sage Incense sticks, stay tuned folks!

Until then, Try our organic Incense Sticks which come in 6 different fragrances.

Picture of Mekhala


Mekhala, a law student and avid reader, has a deep passion for spirituality and meditation. She finds solace in these practices, using them to cultivate inner peace and mindfulness each day. Nature, yoga, and varied spiritual pursuits captivate her outside her studies and writing. Mekhala's devotion to mindfulness enriches her blogs with inspiration and insight.

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